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Eating Matters is a Norfolk charity offering counselling for people age 11+ with mild to moderate eating disorders in the community.

Our team of specialist therapists and counsellors delivers a range of psychological approaches, with an emphasis on early intervention.

We aim to provide a welcoming, safe, non-judgemental environment.

Client Donations

Eating Matters is a registered charity and we rely on client donations to be able to continue to provide our service.

We ask for a voluntary donation of £10 for an Initial Assessment and a minimum of £20 per counselling session, depending on individual circumstances.

We never turn anyone away for financial reasons and if you’re unable to make the minimum donation for counselling this can be discussed with us.

Please be mindful of our criteria when making a referral to our service. We are a counselling service for people with mild to moderate eating disorders.

More information about eating disorders and criteria for our service can be found on our counselling page.

“Eating Matters is the one place where I can feel myself and be accepted. Regardless of how I feel, Eating Matters welcomes me like a friend with a listening ear. The staff and volunteers have taken great time and trouble to gradually get to know me. They have gained my trust (and that’s not easy).”

“Amazing staff that really understand and listen. Really helpful, they work at your pace, not theirs. Very kind and accommodating,  I always feel better afterwards. The staff have helped me keep on the straight and narrow”

“It was really difficult getting help for an eating disorder I had had for years. Finally, someone understood and I am beginning to understand how I can get better. I couldn’t have done that without someone spending time hearing what I needed to say.”

“These are people who understand the seemingly crazy thoughts and voices going through your head relating to food and body image. They have heard it all before and they ‘get it’. If you need specialised, different types of help, they can do that too.”

“Eating Matters is where I’ve found hope when I’d almost lost it. Thank you!”